Friday, November 28, 2008

Microsoft Office 2003 Registration Wizard.

Afternoon Tea Award

Per dovere di cronaca, devo confessare che il rito del tè è avulso dal mio quotidiano, raramente me ne concedo una tazza, per piacere personale.Al contrario i suoi effluvi, i suoi liquidi e cangianti colori evocano in me, atmosfere rarefatte di pomeriggi ciarlieri con le amiche.
Ai tempi del liceo il tea time era un piacevole intermezzo dei pomeriggi di studio con le amiche, quando la mamma di turno, irrompeva nella stanza sommersa di libri, con il carico aromatico accompagnato dai mitici ciambelloni innevati di zucchero a velo, per ritemprarci delle energie (allora) inesauribili.Sono past year, but for me it still has this power of the tea party conviviality friendly, though a little ritual in the canon, because of the frantic pace of life and ever smaller spaces for relaxation to be cropped.

However, if I were to organize a tea time , nice as Twostella suggests, it would inevitably meet with friends, on the notes of the singer spirit (as I call it) and the choice of tea would be entrusted to 'expert group (subject to my stock of classic tea with lemon, bergamot, licorice ...) to sip while enjoying a lemon cake , the bergamot cream tart, crisp tart of , a pyramid-shaped fruit tart , without neglecting the softened butter sandwiches with grape jam black or white grape jam predisporrei and the greedy bowls with cherries in syrup.

For completeness, wanting to satisfy the palates of lovers of the salty, could not miss the sandwiches with butter or cream cheese, lettuce or radicchio and pears chilli jam or jam melon sage , lacquered with crostini oil flavored with elderberry and white buns to accompany Fanciful crushed olives (a little british alas!) All for a drop in a peaceful oasis of freedom and laughter in conversation or exchange on the latest readings and films already seen ... I feel inspired, I hasten to gather his friends: they will be available ?


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