Thursday, November 27, 2008

Healing Time After A Palop Removed

Poffert for Afternoon Tea

Raisins we prepared the tea, on UvAromatica , and see other tasty shots come and visit :-)
two premises. I'm not a big consumer, nor does connoisseur of tea, although I find that the ritual of afternoon tea time has something extremely fascinating in itself, from the warmth of fellowship, the chatter confidential to satisfaction that a greedy and break ritual can give, especially on cold days and autumn as these. Second, while I was looking for anything but this recipe caught between the pages dedicated to Holland on a beautiful big book which is titled 'Europe à la carte' and that he travels quite robust between traditional European cuisine. Only in Holland that I've never been so I do not know if the result of the recipe is after all what a Dutchman would expect, here. I can say that I have some suspicion because of the absence of butter or other fats and very low amount of yeast, but at the end of the recipe is successful just as I had imagined from the photo, a cake not too sweet, firm texture , perfect for spreading butter or creme fraiche or, as suggested in big book, to decorate with sugar syrup and caramel.
All this to honor the beautiful and sophisticated collection of Twostella on afternoon tea. With lots of very flavored 'Amaretto explosion' of Whittard tea, aromaticissimo and a little 'sweet, and just as tisaniera british, Souvenirs of London .


Ingredients 500 g flour 400 ml milk 00

2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla powdered sugar 125 gr
1 teaspoon baking powder (I have abounded here a bit 'but not necessary )
150 grams of raisins :-)
butter for the mold
plenty Butter uno stampo da budino (oppure da Kugelhopf) e metterlo in frigo. Mettere l’uvetta in ammollo in una tazza di acqua tiepida o acqua e marsala. In una ciotola battere le uova con lo zucchero a velo finchè non diventano spumose. Aggiungervi il latte e la farina setacciata con il lievito. Mescolare bene il tutto ottenendo un composto piuttosto sodo ed elastico, strizzare l’uvetta a incorporarla uniformemente. Versare il composto nello stampo da budino imburrato, pareggiarne l’altezza battendo lo stampo su un piano morbido e infornare in forno già caldo a 130° per un’ora. Alla prova coltello il mio era ancora indietro per cui l’ho tenuto altri dieci minuti alzando la temperatura a 180°. Sfornare e lasciar raffreddare almeno un paio hours before the Poffert unmold onto a plate and garnish with a dusting of icing sugar. Good for medenda and breakfast, or to conclude a good meal and serve with a liqueur.


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