Louis il Tedesco, investigatore ormai in buen retiro (si fa per dire), reimpiegatosi come traduttore, non riesce a togliersi dalla testa gli orribili omicidi di due giovani donne a Parigi. Nonostante non riesca a concentrarsi sulla voluminosa biografia di Bismark, il Tedesco è convinto di dover lasciar perdere le investigazioni: un tempo erano il suo lavoro, ma ora sarebbe morboso indulgervi.
Purtroppo non c'è molto spazio for his beliefs: the German is contacted by her friend Martha, a former prostitute hours Bouquin, who claims to be the murderess in the house of women. In reality he is Clement, once the protege of Martha, who had not seen him since he was a tot. Convinced of his innocence persuades Martha to take care of the German investigation to clear him. When the German
realizes that there is an identikit that would make the end of Clement, is not better than hiding in the house of the three evangelists, where there is always someone to watch him and no woman.
not up to the previous book ( Who died raise your hand) at the level of plot (The murderess is pretty trivial), and less sympathetic because of the German which is placed between the investigation and our beloved three evangelists, and Godfather, it's still a great film noir.
Fred Vargas. I am the Dark. (Sans feu ni lieu)
Einaudi. 2006. 254 pp. € 11.00.
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