Wednesday, December 3, 2008

When Is Lola Ciccones Birthday

Lady Grey tea

The ritual of tea should have the right space to be fulfilled: the time resumes its natural rhythm, niente orologi o orari prestabiliti; il tavolo deve essere apparecchiato con cura, tovaglia perfettamente stirata e tavola apparecchiata con le migliori porcellane. Ogni particolare è simbolo di bellezza e cura. Attenzione per l'ospite.
Il tepore della casa, il camino acceso, tutto deve predisporre alla confidenza e alle chiacchiere .

L'ingresso ufficiale del tè in Inghilterra risale al 1662, quando Caterina di Braganza, lascio il Portogallo, per andare in sposa a Carlo II. Portò con se le preziose foglie di tè che arrivavano dall'oriente. Dalla corte londinese ben presto il rito sedusse i nobili e si diffuse nei salotti aristocratici. Tuttavia come per tutte le novità, alcuni non vedono di buon occhio l'introduzione the new drink: the brewers are afraid of losing customers. In fact, to solve the problems of drinking water had been asked brewers to produce a very light beer (it was actually consumed at breakfast). Fearing competition put pressure on the government, which ultimately impose high taxes on imports. Despite these political pressures

tea becomes more popular, and in 1784 is already available to everyone (the taxes were gradually decreased, and in this year the government undertook to reduce the "Commutation Act"). The tea goes through the classes, becoming more democratic.
The habit of staining the entire British tea with milk, was dictated prudence: the first in fine china cups and teapots came from the East. For fear of spoiling the valuable new services, the British began to use cold milk to mitigate the boiling water.

For a touch of femininity mixture Lady Grey: black tea, bergamot, bitter orange peel and lemon petals, cornflower (Centaurea cyanus).


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