A letto con Maggie - Jennifer Weiner
Rose e Maggie sono sorelle, ma non potrebbero essere più diverse: Maggie è una bellissima ed affascinante aspirante show-woman, Rose è una noiosa e banale avvocatessa. D’altra parte, Maggie non can not keep a job or a boyfriend for more than a few hours, has no prospects in life and are always in trouble hunting, Rose is a reliable and good-hearted person who has dedicated his entire life to work and suffers from loneliness.
Just as Rose seems to have found a very interesting boy, Maggie looks at her door begging for a place to stay. In no time at all, after making a clean sweep of money, shoes and food, his sister Maggie steals the boy. The trauma is such that
Rose hits his sister out of the house and take one year leave of absence from his law firm, re-interpreting them as a dog-sitter. Meanwhile, Maggie, returned from a raid on his father's house, she discovers that her maternal grandmother is still viva, e decide di rivolgersi a lei per avere aiuto.
Romanzo senza troppe pretese, ma simpatico ed emozionante. Sicuramente migliore di Brava a letto, già recensito in questo post .
Sito ufficiale dell’autrice qui .
Jennifer Weiner. A letto con Maggie.
Tit. Originale: n Her Shoes. Traduttore: R. Corradin
Piemme. 2005. 463 pagg. € 11,50.
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