Monday, February 28, 2011

Commercial Offer Letter Sample

Saturday and Sunday # 2

This weekend was very quiet, also because of cold weather that since last night has turned into a new heavy snowfall.
Saturday morning I worked at school and was an opportunity to fix the cabinet dell'auletta support and better classify the various activities. the afternoon I helped a young boy studying Charlemagne and the feudal system. I went to visit my grandparents and the lovely moon that is slowly, but with joy, recovering from the fracture of the femoral head.
And then, the best hours, those with Simone, before he started his turno di lavoro notturno.

Ho poi guardato "Il discorso del re" con una bella tazza di latte caldo alla cannella. Domenica mattina, finalmente ho avuto il tempo per una camminata seppur breve in collina ed ho raccolto il primo ramo con i germogli in bocciolo, lanuginosi come uccellini ciccioni appolaiati sui rametti spogli.

A pranzo é venuta da noi tanta gente, ed abbiamo cucinato polenta and sauce for all.
I met a couple who is part of the community, John Paul XXIII, who was married a few years, enthusiasm and joy, she told me of their honeymoon backpacking for two months' to roam between Sri Lanka and India, which surprised the their story!

We tasted the jam nuts bought in Armenia last summer, one thing never seen by other parts are whole nuts in their shells cooked in a syrup of sugar and water, are eaten whole with their shells, which remains as soft and caramelized.
I did bake bread no knead bread with whole wheat flour and various seeds.
I read a little
and I looked through some blogs,
such as Aura which I have already spoken, now I'm reading his entire post archive so I like it, fills me with determination his life.
I think his blog is amazing, exciting, vibrant with color and passion, adventure, creativity.
I played a little 'with the little Linda, daughter of coppia che ho conosciuto a pranzo da noi.
Ho alimentato la stufa
ho fatto un po' di ginnastica
e mi sono presa cura della mia pelle e dei miei capelli

Ho bevuto il the alla rosa che mi ha mandato Simona
Poi é arrivato Simone, abbiamo chiacchierato un po' con mio fratello e siamo andati a fare due passi, anche se era già buio ed iniziava a piovere.
Siamo andati fino al campo a trovare il nostro albero, The mulberry tree that we planted there with a few years ago.

Now I'm more relaxed, because just outside is snowing a lot, so apart from work today sno was in the house, I long for the arrival of the beautiful season, I am upset because the snow is dangerous to drive, but like so many other things that you just persevere and know that everything will come in due time.
I can not wait, I guess the sun, I guess even and especially the future and what will take us, I'm sure everything will be fine and that everything, again, it feels like it deve andare.
Buona settimana a tutti voi!
Ps la maggior parte delle foto sono orribili perché per comodità le ho fatte con la macchina piccola, scusate!


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