Monday, February 28, 2011

Commercial Offer Letter Sample

Saturday and Sunday # 2

This weekend was very quiet, also because of cold weather that since last night has turned into a new heavy snowfall.
Saturday morning I worked at school and was an opportunity to fix the cabinet dell'auletta support and better classify the various activities. the afternoon I helped a young boy studying Charlemagne and the feudal system. I went to visit my grandparents and the lovely moon that is slowly, but with joy, recovering from the fracture of the femoral head.
And then, the best hours, those with Simone, before he started his turno di lavoro notturno.

Ho poi guardato "Il discorso del re" con una bella tazza di latte caldo alla cannella. Domenica mattina, finalmente ho avuto il tempo per una camminata seppur breve in collina ed ho raccolto il primo ramo con i germogli in bocciolo, lanuginosi come uccellini ciccioni appolaiati sui rametti spogli.

A pranzo é venuta da noi tanta gente, ed abbiamo cucinato polenta and sauce for all.
I met a couple who is part of the community, John Paul XXIII, who was married a few years, enthusiasm and joy, she told me of their honeymoon backpacking for two months' to roam between Sri Lanka and India, which surprised the their story!

We tasted the jam nuts bought in Armenia last summer, one thing never seen by other parts are whole nuts in their shells cooked in a syrup of sugar and water, are eaten whole with their shells, which remains as soft and caramelized.
I did bake bread no knead bread with whole wheat flour and various seeds.
I read a little
and I looked through some blogs,
such as Aura which I have already spoken, now I'm reading his entire post archive so I like it, fills me with determination his life.
I think his blog is amazing, exciting, vibrant with color and passion, adventure, creativity.
I played a little 'with the little Linda, daughter of coppia che ho conosciuto a pranzo da noi.
Ho alimentato la stufa
ho fatto un po' di ginnastica
e mi sono presa cura della mia pelle e dei miei capelli

Ho bevuto il the alla rosa che mi ha mandato Simona
Poi é arrivato Simone, abbiamo chiacchierato un po' con mio fratello e siamo andati a fare due passi, anche se era già buio ed iniziava a piovere.
Siamo andati fino al campo a trovare il nostro albero, The mulberry tree that we planted there with a few years ago.

Now I'm more relaxed, because just outside is snowing a lot, so apart from work today sno was in the house, I long for the arrival of the beautiful season, I am upset because the snow is dangerous to drive, but like so many other things that you just persevere and know that everything will come in due time.
I can not wait, I guess the sun, I guess even and especially the future and what will take us, I'm sure everything will be fine and that everything, again, it feels like it deve andare.
Buona settimana a tutti voi!
Ps la maggior parte delle foto sono orribili perché per comodità le ho fatte con la macchina piccola, scusate!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Free Dunk Tank Clipart

Momenti riflessi

.. An evening of Sunday, a glass of Ortrugo, the news that does not "enchant" and too many thoughts fighting for have the upper hand and then what will? E. .. good evening, good night and dreams of yesterday. Hello ciao

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pink Cervical Mucus At Time Of Period

Never stop learning

La vita scorre, frenetica, incalzante, faticosa e bellissima.
Quante cose da fare, organizzare, pensare, incastrare negli scampoli di tempo che rimangono tra il lavoro nelle quattro scuole, il lavoro in biblioteca, le ripetizioni pomeridiane.
Spesso é letteralmente una corsa contro il tempo, mi alzo al mattino già in ritardo e corro poi tutto il giorno cambiando veste da educatrice a bibliotecaria a figlia a nipote a fidanzata ad amica.
Eppure questa vita mi piace così, anche se sono tanto stanca e vorrei mettermi a dormire per tre giorni di fila o a scelta fuggire su una spiaggia polinesiana e sdraiarmi lì immobile al sole con i piedi nell'acqaua cristallina e rimanerci muta e ferma per ore e ore.
Sono stanca, ma mi dico che fin che reggo vado avanti, e che se non vivo adesso, che ho 26 anni, quando mai lo farò?
La vita é solo lì davanti che aspetta che andiamo a prendercela, so our dreams.
Sometimes I can not do everything, even the list of things to do gets longer, but with good will can take the time to go to dinner by the grandmother of Simon, to bring the vetrinario and care for my grandmother's dog to meet my friends for a Mexican dinner, to devise and cook a apple pie this morning just got back from work.
I'm not a super hero, I just love life too much and what it offers to stand still enjoy it without all of it.
Among other things, I read very, very much, for example, I read this book took the book-crossing, I want to trace.
What dream of goldfish is a novel that tells the life in a hospital intensive care units, which are alternating chapters to tell the story and the hospitalized Mr. Tunes, intubated and motionless in bed, and others in which to speak is the Gabor doctor treating him.
By the way the disease is the leading type of lung, Simon and his work with such patients as a nurse.
My father and mother Simone nurses, then read this book allowed me to throw a brief look at their work, which is often difficult to understand the dynamics of both technical and emotional.
reading it, I thought of her husband PiccolaLory , also a nurse, and Gabilla.
Simone's work very much, I am proud him for what he does and the genuine passion that puts us are not born but that is very heavy at times be the girlfriend of a nurse with the rounds is difficult to plan our life, his times are very "strange" How High by working nights and now that I am at home and work only on Sundays, if he works weekends to see you really soon.
often find it difficult, for example, Simo will work this weekend both Saturday and Sunday, we'll see shortly, while nearly all are usually at home on Sunday, he almost always rest days during the week.
It takes patience, and this book has allowed me to understand a little 'better his working life, however, is very interesting reading also inversely if you have (I hope not) relatives or friends in hospital, because you can get exactly the vision of the doctor who is usually a relative or not hospitalized and did not know.
(this like the other books I'm reading since November 2010 are listed in the column on the right)
Since last week I then started a course for teachers of geography, although I am not "officially" a teacher, I like these themes, then geopolitics has always been my passion, is what I studied International Relations at university, then I need and I want to take time to deepen and continue to study these materials, not leave them aside.
Now I do other work, but I do not think I'll work now forever, I would find something more related to geopolitics that I studied while I eat greedily of these stimuli, today I was fascinated by the lecture on "post-Soviet Russia between rebirth and decline, " oh give me two hours just to go back to my favorite subjects, taking notes, studying, talking about history, politics, geography internationally.
A real charge, like a breath of fresh air.
The speaker then, Aldo Ferrari, it was really very good: a clear statement
, brilliant, has kept alive the attention very well, I have not lost a parola e sarei rimasta lì a sentirlo e a prendere appunti ancora per ore, davvero bello quando un relatore ti contagia con il suo sapere.

Buon weekend a tutti, fate qualcosa di bello, io spero di poter fare una passeggiata e di dormire un poco di più.
Un abbraccio!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Disadvantages Of Activia Yogurt

Saturday and Sunday

Sabato di ferie:
per capodanno biscotti pure butter comprati a Londra, poi due ore di ripetizioni ad un bambino e quindi alle 11 partiamo in montagna io e Simone per una camminata verso cima Gardiola con le ciastre.

The first tentative shoots on the trees still bare and gray as you climb.
We reached the top because the snow was too soft for the rain days sips and sank to the knee.
We stopped for a picnic in the snow restaurateur

And in the evening, a movie at the cinema with my friend Betty:
Love and other remedies.
Sunday however it was raining and we had to postpone our plans for another walk in the mountains.
Never mind, we have rectified more than good eating lunch together, cooking, cuddling.

Then we painted together a little 'toy soldiers Warammer (Simo passion!), I painted this nano.

Then we went out with two new friends, visiting the center, talk to know each other better and best hot chocolate in the oldest bakeries in the city.
the evening, are out with my friends Betty and Clare to celebrate my birthday, I got a book and we shared our plans for the future, how many big news in sight for us, and share with the friends I've known for many years makes it even nicer :-) This weekend was really nice , and it is still nice to believe that in future there will be more days like this that often, and Simon are together, when finally we will dwell in the house, it will be wonderful, while I take these pieces of days, I will savor and dream of days we wake up and fall asleep together.
Saturday night I just saw this movie and other remedies Love, a film I thought it was cute, unpretentious Funny and romantic, perfect for a girls night out, instead I was amazed by this story.
course you can not say it's great movie or the actors are particularly good or capable, but this film has the merit of talking about a simple story of a simple love story, without daring sequences or plot twists, love simple but not trivial.
Some phases of the film moved me to say things as simply true, without much myeloma and without too American, telling of what the end all love stories are simple, simple in a good way, simple but not trivial because basically what we all need is simply qualcuno che ci stia accanto, che ci faccia ridere, che ci ascolti.
Una frase mi é rimasta impressa "magari in un universo parallelo ci sono due persone come noi, ma perfette, senza problemi.
Ma io non voglio quella coppia perfetta, io voglio noi due così come siamo, noi come siamo ora".
Buona settimana a tutti voi!